Monday, April 10, 2023

Raised on Radio - Taco

I think the music of my youth is the best ever. For a second, I will pretend that everyone doesn’t think the music of their youth was the all time best. I write about the forgotten (and not so forgotten) songs of my youth and I call it #raisedonradio. But dang, if MTV helped usher in some adventurous music in the early 1980s. I am going with a one hit wonder but it really is an all-time favorite song of mine, and I don’t think I ever heard a second song from this artist. Taco probably doesn’t need an introduction. You likely know the Simpsons reference ("Thanks Taco for that loving tribute to Falco"). The Indonesian-born German-based singer really had the one huge hit. His follow up “Singin in the Rain” got some world airplay (except in the US) and he had a couple of minor European hits. I remember Casey Kaseum said something that I never have heard or be able to verify since. But my understanding was that Taco appended a certain amount of “There’s No Business like Show Business” and the original “Gotta Dance” bit so he got some time of writing credit as it became a medley instead of a cover. (Which makes sense if true, Marc Almond surely lost a large sum of money by pairing a cover "Tainted Love" with another cover "Baby, Where Did Our Love Go" instead of an original) Again, in a world where you can look anything, I can’t confirm what I vaguely remember from a radio bit I heard once 40 years ago. But I do love Taco who’s singing a depression era tune, dressed to the nines, he looks mad, possibly evil. A rock star but a rock star seemingly moved to the Vegas (or New York) lights. OMG!?! Did Bono just rip off Taco wholesale for his Mephisto/ Zoo TV character?

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